Astrid Martina Krenz

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Research Grants
New Working Papers & Work in Progress
Old Working Papers

My work is listed with Researchgate and SSRN

Research Grants:

Project title: "Digital Infrastructure and regional disparities in comparison between eastern and western Germany", 2020-2021, ~20K, Alfried Krupp Junior Research Fellowship, PI.

Project title: "Firm-level analyses of Agglomeration Externalities, Knowledge Spillovers, and Productivity Growth", 2017-2019, ~ 100K, Marie Curie, Durham International Junior Research Fellowship, PI.

Project title: "European market integration and determinants of German firm localization", 2014-2017, 3K, Lindemann Foundation, PI.

New Working Papers & Work in Progress:

Automation and the Fall and Rise of the Servant Economy, June 2024, with H. Strulik

The Gender Gap in Firms' International Trade: Female Exporters and the Exporter Productivity Premium in Germany, April 2024

What drives the location choice of new manufacturing plants in Germany?, 2023

Comparing New Measures of Tech Talent: Global AI, Digital Infrastructure, and Innovation, 2023, with R. Dickens and J. O'Reilly

Digital infrastructure, firms' location choices, and regional disparities in comparison between East and West Germany

The spatial distribution of vaccination innovations - A cluster analysis based on patent data for the European Union, with H. Strulik

Scale effects and innovative activities - Big Data analyses and evidence for AI patents, with H. Strulik

Digital Infrastructure, Innovation, and Economic Growth, with H. Strulik

The Dynamics of German Industry Clustering

Regional Drivers of Firm-Level Productivity for German Upper Mittelstand Firms

The Impact of Regional Infrastructure for Firm-Level Trade and Productivity in a Regression Discontinuity Framework


What makes German manufacturing plants move locations?, 2023, Annals of Regional Science,

Physiological Aging in India: The Role of the Epidemiological Transition, 2023, with H. Strulik, PLOS ONE, 18, 7, e0287259,

Unsupervised Document Classification integrating Web Scraping, One-Class SVM and LDA Topic Modelling, 2023, with B. Saefken, A. Thielmann, C. Weisser, Journal of Applied Statistics, 50:3, 574-591,

Robots, Reshoring, and the Lot of Low-Skilled Workers, 2021, with K. Prettner and H. Strulik, European Economic Review, 136, 103744,

The Impact of Menstruation Hygiene Management on Work Absenteeism of Women in Burkina Faso, 2021 with H. Strulik, Economics and Human Biology, 43, 101067,

Quantifying Reshoring at the Macroeconomic Level - Measurement and Applications, 2021, with H. Strulik, Growth and Change, 52, 1200-1229.

The Benefits of Remoteness - Digital Mobility Data, Regional Road Infrastructure, and COVID-19 Infections, 2021, with H. Strulik, German Economic Review, 22, 3, 257-287.

One-Class Support Vector Machine and LDA Topic Model Integration - Evidence for AI Patents, 2021, with A. Thielmann and C. Weisser, Studies in Computational Intelligence 981, Soft Computing: Biomedical and Related Applications, Editors N.H. Phuong, V. Kreinovich, Springer.

The Effects of Absorptive Capacity on Innovation Performance - A Cross-Country Perspective, 2020, with R. Harris and J. Moffat, Journal of Common Market Studies, 59, 3, 589-607.

Knowledge and Earnings - A Regional Economic Analysis for the German Economy, 2015, Conference Proceedings Regional Studies Association, ISBN 978-1-897721-51-3, 106-108.

European market integration, R&D agglomeration economies, and the location choice of firms in Poland, 2015, with A. Gehringer, Eastern European Economics, 53, 491-513.

Internationaler Handel, Institutionen und Agglomeration, 2014, cege-report, 2.

Adjustment Dynamics of Countries' Specialization Patterns in the European Union, 2014, Applied Economics Letters, 21, 671-674.

Services sectors' concentration and countries' specialization patterns in services in the European Union: A comparative analysis with a special focus on France, Germany, Greece, and the UK, 2014, Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies, 14, 23-32.

Services Sectors' Concentration: the European Union and the New Economic Geography, 2013, Applied Econometrics and International Development, 13, 29-44.

Industrial and Services Sectors' Agglomeration in the European Union, 2012, e-dissertation, University of Goettingen.

Theorie und Empirie ueber den Wirkungszusammenhang zwischen sozialer Herkunft, kulturellem bzw. sozialem Kapital, Bildung und Einkommen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 2008, SOEPpaper No. 128, DIW Berlin.

Bildungsertraege von jungen Menschen aus sozial schwachen Familien, 2008, Publishing company Dr. Mueller, Saarbruecken.

Oekonometrische Untersuchungen zur Messung von Bildungsertraegen von jungen Menschen aus sozial schwachen Familien, 2007, University of Bielefeld.


Firm heterogeneity, productivity, and the extensive margins of trade - Differences between manufacturing firms in East and West Germany

A Macroeconomic Measure for Reshoring and a Note on the Offshoring-Reshoring Nexus

A Stata Code for computing a distance-based Firm-Level Cluster Index

Old Working Papers, being rewritten/revised:

Democracy and International Trade (joint with A. Abeliansky).

Knowledge, Earnings, and Agglomeration Economies in the German Regional Economy.

Agglomeration of Knowledge: A Regional Analysis for the German Economy.